A catch-all email mailbox receives emails sent to nonexistent addresses under the same domain name. For instance, a message sent to the miswritten suport@domain.com will be delivered to support@domain.com in case the catch-all feature has been activated for the latter. Thus, you can receive messages from mates or clients who may have sent a message to your email address with a typographical error or to an old one, which they may still have, but you have already deactivated. Just one single mailbox per domain name can be a catch-all one and email forwarding cannot be set up for such a mailbox. The latter is due to the fact that at a certain moment you may begin receiving spam messages in the catch-all mailbox and the forwarding limitation means that the spam will not be re-sent to a 3rd-party mailbox.

Catch-all Emails in Hosting

If you’ve got a Linux hosting package with our company and you would like to enable the catch-all feature for a particular email mailbox that you’ve got in the hosting account, it’ll take literally only one click in the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel to do that. A catch-all button is available next to each email address that you have set up under any domain name hosted in the account. You can choose one email address per domain name by clicking the corresponding button. This will activate the feature immediately, so all messages sent to misspelled email addresses will be received there. Clicking on the button for a second time will turn off the catch-all feature. If you’ve got active email forwarding, our system will display a warning notification and you won’t be able to activate the catch-all feature unless you disable the forwarding or you can simply select another mailbox to be the catch-all one.